Discover Your Authentic Voice
Do you find that your voice does not align with your gender identity?
It can be distressing and impact your sense of self and well-being. A mismatch between your voice and gender identity can create feelings of discomfort, disconnection, and dysphoria. It may also affect how you are perceived by others and hold you back from expressing yourself authentically.
Gender affirming voice training (voice training for trans and gender diverse individuals) is designed to help you develop a voice that aligns with your gender identity. Gender affirming voice training involves a personalised approach with consideration of to your specific voice goals. You will explore techniques to modify vocal pitch, resonance, intonation, and other aspects of speech to achieve voice and communication that is comfortable and authentic.
Who is it for?
- Transgender women
- Transgender men
- Queergender people
- Individuals who feel that their voice pitch and tone doesn’t reflect them